The stroller on the beach is able to observe that none of the hundreds of waves, washing ashore ...
...are different from the waters of the Ocean.
Any wave that she stoops to pick up....
...... all that is in the cup of her hand..... is the Oceanic waters.
This non-separation, non-distinctiveness, not individuated-ness.... cognized by the stroller on the beach...and… recorded as memory.
And thus she can now define, affirm, assert..........this non-separation.
She can even start giving satsanghs on the very beach-front …. about this non-separation.
Or how to open the Heart for Love to reach out and emabrace the Ocean of bliss.
The cognition and the succeeding narration of the story.......whatever that story is.....possible….only……because the stroller on the beach is separate from the wave-Ocean continuum.
Imagine, there is no stroller on the beach.
Imagine there is no beach, either.
Just the ….Oceanic expanse ……in infinitude.
Now, what duality can be cognized?
Now, what non-duality can be cognized?
What cognition at all?
If no cognition……what issues, what resolution of issues...
…what seeking, what reaching……what attaining….what becoming….
…what talking about strollers and beach fronts?
What absence of talking?
What…defining/referencing …….as even an Oceanic expanse …in infinitude?
Eons ago….to encapsulate the whole of the above pixelling… utterance arose…
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