Are you a thief?





A little story of a madzhub
(Madzhub is a term used to refer to one who appears to be a simpleton but one who is one with the whole universe.) 

One day this madzhub was moving in the city in the middle of the night, when no one is allowed to move about.
A policeman asked, "Who are you?"
The Madzhub smiled at the question.
He did not know how to answer in words and within the conventions of language.
So he did not answer.
The policeman asked, "Are you a thief?"
"Yes," replied the madzhub, because when the self is not,...... any name that is given is accepted.
A so-called Guru would be very offended to be called a thief.

They took him in the police station and he sat there for the whole night, quite happy; as happy as he was in the road, walking about.
There was no feeling of insult, no lamentation as to where the madzhub found himself, for even the question of acceptance or unacceptance is not of any relevance for an empty cup.
A title was offered and was accepted.
In the morning,... the station officer came, and he recognized the madzhub as a highly spiritually evolved being.
He said, "I am surprised to find him here."
The policeman said, "He himself said that he was a thief."
"Did you call him a thief. "
The policeman said, "Yes."
The officer said, "That is his consciousness.
That 'I' which holds everything to oneself is crushed and effaced and thrown away.
That 'I' is no longer there.
And therefore all names are his name, all forms are his form, and the whole cosmos is his own

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