10th March 2004




It could just as easily be stated that the no-doer and no free will are the deeply embedded thorn to be removed.





The apperception of what is,..........is not that there was an individual self, which erstwhile had free-will and now after some fancy investigation is seen not to have free-will and is actually, a no-good bum of a no-doer.


The apperception is,..... that there is no independent self, ........to do,......


........or,........ to cease the doing, .......that is happening in the moment, through "oneself".


How does one know when "both" are set aside?

 When there is a total and complete absence of the very sense of that question.


 Who determines that?


 The dissolution of a question, any question, is never in an answer, any answer.


The dissolution of the question, lies only in the dissolution of the sense of the "questioner" for whom the question (and thus the answer),..


....is of relevance,.... is of significance.


Or, perhaps, all that distraction is seen for what it is, a means to not be left with, or to face, yourself.




Distractions are the food of the mind.


All sense of seeking, fuels the mind.


All arising "how(s)",.......... is the mind,... in all it's heavenly glory.


For addressing the nuances of life,...........mind is an absolutely perfect tool, ........for nuances of life do include the "how to"(s) of Life.



There is an existing,..... of being in Life and all that being "in" entails,........


.......and not being of Life.


 Not being of Life,..............would be a witnessing of the arising "how" in the moment,.....if any.......


.....and witnessing,..... how that "how" plays out, ......whether as the actualizings of any resultant mental and/or physical actions,........ if any,..




.. it's dissipation in the very moment of it's arising.



In the witnessing of the arising question in the moment, ............there is no stake associated with the question.


 The witnessing gestalt is nothing but a gestalt of existing where there is no sense of any stakes,......


........while the presence of movement, as mentation or physical actions, .....




....... the absence of movement,.......


......in the moment,..........


........is simultaneously witnessed.


Moment to moment to moment.





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