Within the last night- sleep- dream,
there were innumerable causes,
producing in turn, the myriad effects.
Making up the ethos and pathos of the dream,
the ado of the drama, which was the
last night-sleep-dream.
Exactly as the day-waking- dream,
in which you are reading this page.
While there is not even an iota of difference,
between the two dreams.........
....when involved in either,
the other,
is held to be an illusion,....a dream.
Just as one's dream in sleep exists nowhere
but in the mind (both as cause and effect)
so does the Universe, as a cause-effect continuum,
exist only in the mind of the infinite.
Call that Infinite
as Consciousness, as Awareness
or as Bozo, the Clown...
makes no difference.
What absurdity, to think ...
...there is a separated independent existential reality
to seek this or that.
What absurdity, to think
....there is a separated independent existential reality
to cease seeking,
if seeking is what is happening
in the moment.