The word "aware" points to something that can't be referred either by verbalization, physical or mental......
.....and neither by silence.

Something exists for me only if and as I'm aware of it.

When I'm not aware, at that moment, it doesn't exist for me.

When I'm asleep, the bed along with the sleeping body disappears, for me.

When I wake up, the bed along with sleepy body is there.

The bed-body combine didn't go anywhere.

This gives the impression of a personal subjective awareness and an objective world which is awared of..

The impression is that when I sleep, my personal awareness shuts down, but the objectively existing world of things remains where it is.

In the same way, when I'm riding on a train and looking out of the window, I become aware of trees at the moment I see them go by, but when I'm no longer aware of the trees, they are assumed to still exist. Someone else may be aware of them, say someone who is picnicking in that park where the trees are.

So, the impression is that of different subjective awarenesses ...........and............ things that exist apart from being aware of them.

Inquiry undercuts this impression, this very naturally occurring impression, of a subjective awareness apart from a world of things existing, apart from the awareness.

Inquiry isn't pointing to a new philosophical position or a new set of ideas.

Inquiry is pointing to directly being aware such that it is clear that the awareness and the things being awared, are not separately existing things, aspects, states or qualities.

This means that what is usually taken as  "my" separate subjective awareness, isn't the full actuality of what the awareness is.

It is as if a partition were taken as existing.........a partition that separates awareness and makes it a personal possession of a quality existing in time and space ...............and......... this partition is understood to have never been there.

It is also to know that the bedness of the bed, the collage of sensations which makes one's body a body......  is from and of awareness.

The location of things in time and space, and their qualities as things are from and of this awareness.

This is not an article of faith, nor is it a philosophical position.

It is direct experiential knowing/being.

So, the point of discussing this isn't to construct new memes which will then spread and perpetuate themselves (e.g. through "nondual conferences" etc.)

The point is direct knowing as being.

The discussions of this direct knowing can obviously only take place in the domain of words.

Words tend to create a logical philosophical position.
(Even the refuting of one is from a position)

Direct knowing will see positions, no matter how logical...... to be oxymorons, as a logical philosophical position cannot be separate or apart from the awareness of it.

Awareness being  beyond words, knowledge, and logic and beyond all these listed "beyonds"........cannot be reached through a hammered out conviction via a debate using words.

Hammered out conviction via a debate using words has resulted in the springing  up of  multitudes of "nondual club"

And believing the non-dual memes gives you membership in that club, perhaps even the dais of a teacher, or a enlightened Guru/Master, culminating into an Oprah Winfrey invitation.

The apperception of awareness is not a matter of reaching an agreement with someone else.

It is the very "aloneness" of this awareness itself, as is.

In and as not-twoness, who is the other, to whom the quality of not-twoness is to be affirmed to, asserted to, propounded to.

In and as not-twoness, who is the other, whose agreement/acceptance of not-twoness is to be achieved and thus the pursuits of such agreements/acceptances being anything else but absurdities.

If none other, then in and as not-twoness, for whom can even the very quality or position of not-twoness have any meaning
or relevance.

The apperception of Advaita is realizing the utter irrelevancy, the complete meaninglessness of the very position of Advaita.

For awareness does not have a loci where even the position of awareness can get anchored.

And yet it is only awareness out which all words about awareness arise.
