One is always only sensing movement of/as awareness.

If a voice is heard, it is the sensing of sounds.

If  a face is seen, there is sensing of a shape and colors which gets identified (through thought/memory) as "a face."

In immediate awareness, the clarity.........that there isn't perception in one area, then thought about the perception in another area -

......that there is only always timeless perception/sensing - but the sensing of thought, with its contents, makes it seem as if thought were putting together a picture of time.......

....... in consultation with memory about a past that appears to have  occurred "back then."

There is a putting together (through thought and memory) the notion that the voice and face "belong to a person."

It's a story that seems to get generated about the situation, by adding in the sense of time.

The same is true for a "me," or for what is taken to be an "inside-of-this me" and  an "outside-of-this me."

The seeing of this sense of a immediate.

It's not a matter of putting together the picture of what is "immediately so" ........because one has heard or read words about it.

Words whether verbalized or ideated......are intrinsic to a story-getting-generated-drama, giving impression of someone on one end communicating with someone on the other end( "ends" itself being impressions).

So, there's always a story embedded in words, by the nature of the words.

A story involving time (look at how sentences must be read - over time, from beginning to end of sentences) - so there is inside/outside, time, forward and backward as assumptions involved just in processing any words.

Of course, there are assumptions of time and distance in the processing (by thought) of other sensings as well.

As a nuance of the story-getting-generated-drama...........the question may arise......

.....whether thought really processes anything at all - or whether that isn't just another story that gets to be put together.

And the clarity.....which is neither words, nor is it wordless ...

...that there is just thought-moment/sensed/perceived..........which aren't disparate .......thus are not connected.

That......... there is simply a simultaneity of perceiving/being aware - and a sense of "temporal connections" 
which makes the dramatic story seemingly apparent.

Which appear to  dissolves , just like the last night-sleep dream dramatic story "dissolves", on waking up today morning.

One is, already always so - and no processing or time is involved in this.

And from and through as *this* ...................all perceivable is perceived.


