There are ideas, but they don't refer to anything outside of the specific idea.

Where is the idea located? Scientists say, "in the brain."

But that is an idea that is had, that the idea occurs in the brain.

So, the location for the idea is only there in the idea.

What is this........ in the understanding that there isn't a location of it?

What is this........when ideas arise and dissolve without any time involved in the arising dissolving? (As is evident the sense of time, like location, comes along with the idea of time.)

It is the sense of something that is not a thing, that is looking always at itself, without being a self.

There is no distance involved in the seeing.

There is no sense of the seeing being an occurrence or a manifestation of something else.

There is no sense that the seeing is manifesting somewhere or is a manifestation.

Words and ideas are put out about this.

Yet, it is always "that" in which the words and ideas occur, and isn't contained in the words or ideas.
