That which has no need to talk or think or communicate and is the very talking, thinking, communicating


Advaita gives some concepts and a way to talk about what is.

The breakthrough to "what is"(to use an expression within the language of conventions)
has little to do with knowing these concepts or being able to talk in a certain way.

These concepts can help reassure that one is not going crazy when one loses one's identity and past,
but they don't make it happen.

A break through to the truth of beingness occurs because there is no other option but the dropping of identity, all concepts, and the conceptual world .....

......(which previously has been the basis for the group of experiences that was called life and the relatings which provided the sense of a self living that life).

If such a dropping occurs, it is only because "what is" you ......has no other option.

Or such a dropping is the what is in that moment.

When there is reintegration, one talks about it in whatever way one's culture and society
allows one to talk about it.

If that culture includes Advaita, or some version of it, the talk is in that way.

At another time, in another place, the talk about it maybe uses Buddhist, Christian
or Jewish symbolism and language.

There's no "correct" way to talk about what can't be spoken,
or to use concepts in relation to the nonconceptual.

But there is talking and thinking, because a human being.. a coalesced talking and thinking phenomenon.

Yet, there is this....... and one is nothing but that.....

.....which has no need to talk and think...

..... and has never had an "other awareness" to communicate with.

And this prattling  happens.

