Do you exist to resolve the problems that appear so tragic for you?





A Master says to his students,
"Let's make-believe we place a goose egg into a bottle.
 The goose egg hatches and the goose begins to grow.

Your assignment is to get the goose out of the bottle without breaking the bottle or injuring the goose." 

One student thought and thought about this at great length.
How could he get the goose out of the bottle without hurting the goose or breaking the bottled?
Not being able to figure it out, he became so frustrated with the question that he could not sleep.
The next morning at class, he raised his hand and was recognized by the Master.
The student said, "You must get the goose out of the bottle. This problem is driving me out of
my mind. I can't figure it out."
"Very well," said the teacher and continued, "Bring me the bottle with the goose inside."
It was only then that the student realized he had been struggling with a situation that
did not actually exist...
Does your mind exist, for it to be made quiet?
Do you exist to resolve the problems that appear so tragic for you?

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