8th June 2003



   Yes! I've been silent, and there's nothing but joy. Thank you, oh thank you so much ! 

Yes L.


And while everything remains the same, the same laundry to be done, the same dishes to be washed, the same strive to make some money, the same relationship to be nurtured/consoled, the same humdrum of day to day living...........


...............And yet, something, indescribable, indefinable, keeps birthing the gurgling of joyness, .................. everything is finally seen to be what it is, as it is..........


And thus in the world and all that being "in" entails, ...........but not of the world.


Like a Lotus flower.


In the East, the Lotus flower, is always used as an offering to divinity, in all religious ceremonies.

Not the rose, not the tulip, but the Lotus.


It's a symbol.


The Lotus flower, is always born, always exists in the midst of mud, dirt.


And yet nothing of the mud, nothing of the dirt stains it's beauty.


In the world, but not of the world.




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