22nd May 2003

Hiya R,

An abhorrence of meditation, of methodologies, of paths, of Gurus,
........ is once again the expression of a conditioning. The craving and the
avoidance, of something, anything, .........are both conditionings at play.

R: What if it is neither? What if one gets an insight into conditioning
and drops all paths after seeing the truth in it. Would you still call it
conditioned mind?


Unless the sub sequential question arises... "would you still call it a conditioned mind". <LOL>

Are you getting me, R?

Any question is again the hoopla of the mind, of the entity, which is nothing but conditioning-at-play.

That insight, which ends it all, ....................is the consequential end of the entitification.

The absence of entitification, ...............is the consequential absence of all questions.

As a dude sang, some 6,000 years ago

"No answers received.

All questions dropped"

Thus, if R's gestalt reflected ....... an insighting where all paths are seen for what they are, .........then there can be no "one" to whom any question is an issue.

And thus arise.

Including the wondering 'Am I enlightened?"

There is no "one" left to pose a question, ............for there is no "other" left, to whom the question can be posed to.

For a sage (a conceptual term used to denote a body-mind complex, in which apperception has occurred), there being no "me", ................there is no "you", no "other" for the sage.

No "other" to be enlightened, or to be set up on any path to enlightenment, realization, awakening or any of the usual bromides, through any methodologies, "doings" or whatever.

There is no agenda, no stake for a sage, in anything, in anybody.

That is what was being suggested, in ........... "no craving, no avoidance".

Once a sage was asked, since you are enlightened, why don't you just enlighten the whole world.

A classic reply.

The sage replied "when you wake up from a dream, do you go searching for the dream-people?"






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